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5237 Blog and Vlog 4

This lesson is for a grade 12 vocal class focusing on composition via music technology. This lesson will happen halfway throughout the semester. Students will have a grasp of vocal technique, singing collaboratively, and participating in rounds during a warmup, and an understanding of triads (+, -,o, and x).  This lesson would cover the following curriculum expectations:A1, A2.1, A2.3, A3.2, A3.3, B4.1, and C2.1.

To start this lesson, the students will sing a round facilitated by the teacher.  This can be any round the teacher thinks is appropriate for the singing level. To elevate this activity, the teacher can improvise elements to the round. For example, in Row Row Row Your Boat the teacher could have two students stay on “row” in rhythm to add texture. See the video for this lesson for how this would sound. This would be a soft start to the lesson.

Following this, the class would have a lecture style lesson about composition techniques that would take no more than 15 minutes. The lesson would cover melodic shape (slope, rise and fall), harmonic and rhythmic variation, sequencing, augmentation, and diminution. After the composition strategies, there would be an explanation of what a cannon is and how it functions harmonically. After this we will sight sing a cannon. Students will be asked to discuss what considerations should be made when composing a cannon and why.

Students will then be given the task to compose their own cannon using Below are the assignment students will be given:

You are asked to compose your own cannon using!  You are strongly encouraged to work in groups of 2 but if you choose you can work independently. Your composition must be 8 bars long. You can choose your own key, but only use the chord tones of I, III, and V. Make sure to check if your composition sounds consonant when the lines are overlapping.  Please have your composition submitted for “due date”.  You are also asked to complete a reflection after your submission. Your reflection can be done in class via conversation with Ms. Matheson OR filling out a google form.

Checklist for ‘due date’:

o   Submit your cannon  

o   Complete Reflection (by 11:59pm if online).

Reflection Questions: (google form link here)

1)     How did you use composition strategies to create your cannon?

2)     What was something new you learned while doing this assignment? How did you learn it?

3)     If you could do this assignment again, what would do differently? Why?

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